Wednesday, November 30

Lectura-ton Conclusión

Flynn rocks!! Gracias padres de familia, maestros, personal docente, y estudiantes por las dos magnificas semanas. Y Especialmente Gracias a ustedes nuestro comité de Lectura-ton y todos los voluntarios.

Meta de Lectura: 10,500 libros/capítulos
Nuestros niños alcanzaron 13,240!! Felicitaciones a todos nuestros lectores, y a todos los salones por alcanzar sus metas (muy pronto tendrán su fiesta de paletas)!

Meta de Recaudación de Fondos: $25,000
Hasta este lunes 28 de Noviembre, estamos un poco arriba de $21,000 para alcanzar nuestra meta. Por favor de entregar todo el dinero de sus patrocinadores lo antes posible, gracias.

Seguimos aceptando donaciones vía internet todo el tiempo- entre al “blog” de Flynn ( y oprima el botón de “JUST GIVE”. Dinero en efectivo o cheques deben entregarse en la caja de seguridad del Read-a-Thon en la oficina.

Cheques deben hacerse a nombre de “Flynn PTA”. Todas las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos (Tax ID#56-2587473).

Felicitaciones a nuestros ganadores!
1er premio ($500): Mindy Thu Nguyen
2do premio ($250): Henry Gonzalez
3er premio ($150 Target gift card): Iris Tablas

TROFEOS DE PATROCINADORES: Felicitaciones a los ganadores de trofeos por tener la mayoría de patrocinadores, por grados:

Kínder: salón 102 (Mr. Robert)
1er grado: salón 208 (Ms. Codekas)
2do grado: salón 202 (Ms. Lopez)
Educación Especial (K-2) Premio por Participación: salón 101 (Mr. Wilkinson)
3ro grado: salón 303 (Ms. Leni)
4to grado: salón 311 (Mr. Mansager)
4to/5to grado: salón 309 (Ms. Law)
5to grado: salón 306 (Ms. Meza)
Educación Especial (3-5) Premio por Participación: salón 210 (Ms. Coleman)

Díganos qué piensa que funcionó y qué no funcionó durante el Lectura-ton este año. Sus comentarios y sus ideas nos ayudaran para la planeación del próximo año. Envié un correo electrónico a Lindsay Sablosky, envíe un mensaje en el Grupo de Yahoo de Flynn, o simplemente escriba una nota y déjela en la caja de seguridad del Read-a-thon en la oficina. Gracias!

Read-a-thon Wrap Up

We rocked the Read-a-Thon!! Thanks parents, teachers, staff, and students for a terrific two weeks. And a special thank you to our Read-a-Thon committee and all our volunteers.

Our kids reached 13,240!! Congratulations to all our readers, and to all the classrooms meeting their class goals (your popsicle parties will be coming soon)!

As of Wednesday November 30, we are just under $23,000 towards our goal of $25,000.

We can continue to take on-line donations at any time. Hit the JustGive button on the right hand side of this blog page. Any cash or checks should continue to go into the Read-a-Thon Lockbox in the office.

Make checks payable to Flynn PTA. All donations are tax-deductable (Tax ID#56-2587473).

Please get all your sponsor money turned in as soon as you can, thanks.


Congratulations to our winners!
1st prize ($500): Mindy Thu Nguyen
2nd prize ($250): Henry Gonzalez
3rd prize ($150 Target gift card): Iris Tablas


Congratulations to our trophy winners for the most sponsors per grade:
Kinder: Room 102 (Mr. Roberts)
1st grade: Room 208 (Ms. Codekas)
2nd grade: Room 202 Ms. Lopez
Special Education (K-2) Participation Award: Room 101 (Mr. Wilkinson)
3rd grade: Room 303 (Ms. Leni)
4th grade: Room 311 (Mr. Mansager)
4th/5th grade: Room 309 (Ms. Law)
5th grade: Room 306 (Ms. Mesa)
Special Education (3-5) Participation Award: Room 210 (Ms. Coleman)


Please let us know what you thought worked, and what didn’t work so well, during the Read-a-Thon this year. Your feedback will help in next year’s planning. Email Lindsay Sablosky, post a message at the Flynn Yahoo Group, or put a note in the Read-a-thon Lockbox in the office. Thanks!

Saturday, November 19

Friday, November 18

Spaghetti Night!

Reading her story from the Flynn 500 writing challenge
Tonight was the last night of the Read-a-thon and our community came together to celebrate and eat lots and lots of pasta!

Full house!

Mr Karling makes a speech!

Not sure Mr Mansager wanted me to take this picture

Who made this awesome cake?

Happy family

Checking out the photos

Mr Sobiek serves pasta and pesto with gusto!

Hungry parents!

PTA Treasurer in disguise

Thursday, November 17

Our kids love love love to read!

Spanish book fair came to Flynn

Here's part of our parent team working hard and having fun selling books at our Spanish language book fair. This is the first time we have hosted a Let's Read in Spanish book fair and it was a great success! Lots of beautiful books were bought by parents, teachers and visitors from our community and the other schools. And now Miss Lisa will have several hundred dollars to spend on Spanish language books too for the library and school.

Wednesday, November 16

Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin!

Story time at Flynn. Monday morning. All over the school, lessons stopped and children listened quietly and attentively to our volunteer parents reading picture books, and chapter books, and poetry, in Spanish and English.